Ethical Trading Policy

At PatioSupplies we stock over 300 items which are manufactured/sourced globally. As an international supplier of garden, patio supplies to home owners across United Kingdom, it is of the utmost importance that we have confidence that our products are manufactured in factories that support workers and respect their human rights.

We are committed to purchasing products that are produced with fair working conditions, safe production facilities and fair pay for workers.

We recognise our responsibility to monitor and continuously improve our supply chain to ensure that all of our products are manufactured in fair conditions. We do this by asking our suppliers to complete an ethical trading questionnaire. Once complete, our sourcing agents or buyers will make visits, periodically and unannounced, to ensure that what they have agreed in the questionnaire is being strictly fulfilled.

All of our suppliers are provided with our Ethical Trading Policy and are required to comply with the rules at all times.


Employment is freely chosen

  • Workers have the right to choose where they work

Safe and hygienic working conditions

  • A safe and hygienic working environment must be provided
  • Regular Health and Safety training must be provided
  • Appropriate steps must be taken to prevent any accidents in the workplace
  • All workers must have access to clean welfare facilities

No child or forced labour

Workers are paid fairly and a living wage

  • Wages and benefits paid for a standard working week meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards, whichever is higher.
  • Wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income.
  • Information on wages must be provided to employees
  • Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure is not permitted

Fair and reasonable working hours

  • Workers will work fair and reasonable hours and overtime must be voluntary
  • Working laws shall comply with national laws

Fair treatment of workers.

  • There will be no discrimination practiced
  • All workers will be treated fairly at all times

Regular employment must be provided for those who are employed on a permanent contract

Zero tolerance of modern slavery and human trafficking

Protection of the environment

Ethical business behaviour